
The vaccine is our primary and most effective weapon against disease is prevention. When we think of prevention there is no way we can not remember vaccines, the world’s leading ally in the fight against disease.

It is enough to follow the correct vaccination guidance to become immune (and not more vulnerable) to often deadly diseases, especially when we consider the ages at which they may occur.

To celebrate this important day, we have prepared a basic vaccination schedule so you do not miss any vaccine! The calendar already includes all the changes made this year by the National Immunization Program (PNI), an agency of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance of the Ministry of Health, which improved the vaccination routine for 2016.


carteira de vacinação


For Babies and Children:

A little piece of Good on childhood vaccines to help you understand a little more about each and how to protect the little ones in the best way:

BCG: if not applied at the maternity hospital, apply at the first visit to the health service.
Hepatitis B: should be administered preferably in the first 12 hours of life, even in the maternity ward. The isolated dose of Hepatitis B is unnecessary after one month of age, with all three doses of Pentavalent being sufficient.
Pentavalent means DTP + Haemophilus b + Hepatitis B.
Reinforcement Pneumo 10 and Meningo C should be applied up to 4 years, 11 months, 29 days.
Tetraviral should only be applied if the child has already received a dose of triple viral.
VOP (Polyomelite Oral Vaccine): should only be applied after three doses of VIP (Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine).
Children between 9 months and 5 years without a dose of Yellow Fever: apply one dose and schedule booster for 4 years or minimum interval of 30 days. This reinforcement can be done at any age over 4 years.
HPV: 2nd dose up to 15 years, at interval of 6 months.

Important: Before taking any vaccine, remember to know about the contraindications of each!

For Pregnant Women

Moms can not be left out either. Stay within the main recommendations for this special period:

  • Influenza vaccine: One dose in all pregnancies at any gestational age.
  • DTpa vaccine: One dose in all pregnancies, starting at 28 weeks.
  • Vaccine Hepatitis B: At any gestational age. If you have not had the 3 doses in the past, just complete it.

Ready! Now you are already inside all the major vaccines offered in the public network. They are free and accessible to the entire population at health posts. Be sure to keep track of your immunization record and your family. Taking care of health is good!


Source: Consulta do Bem